Ayelet Tours Musical University to Argentina
Sun, Mar 12
Ayelet's Traveling University Presents: A Musical Jewish Heritage Journey to ARGENTINA Led by Prof. Yale Strom & Elizabeth Schwartz

Time & Location
Mar 12, 2023, 12:00 AM – Mar 20, 2023, 12:00 AM
About the event
Yale Strom (of Hot P'stromi) and noted vocalist Elizabeth Schwartz (“The Edith Piaf of Yiddish”) will lead us on a musical Jewish heritage and a scenic journey filled with history, music, and special guests on this trip to remember! Argentina's Jewish history dates to 1492, linked to the expulsion of Jews from Spain. Conversos, or "secret Jews", settled in Argentina, making efforts to blend in with the general population. From the mid-19th century on, Jews continued to make Argentina their home due to the country's open-door immigration policy. Today, Jews are an active part of Argentine society, and many are prominent figures in the arts, film, music, and journalism. This will be a journey to remember!